Where should the company start with D&I?

How do we take the temperature at work in terms of diversity and inclusion?

A temperature measurement reveals your working environment from a diversity and inclusion perspective. This is the first step if you want to work on diversity and inclusion but don't know where your company should start.

It may be that the company has a lack of diversity, challenges with recruitment, retention, promotion or experiences of discrimination in the workplace.

In order to identify priority actions that are relevant, contextual and thus able to generate ownership and high commitment, the status quo needs to be mapped. This is done both qualitatively and quantitatively. 

A temperature measurement is the first step - a short-term process that serves as a starting point for a longer process towards sustainable change. 

How is the workplace taking the temperature on diversity and inclusion?

The process typically consists of four stages: 

  • In phase 1 , secondary data must be collected in order to begin a qualitative feasibility study. Secondary data may consist of insights or workplace assessments.
  • Phase 2 consists of a comprehensive quantitative study, where a temperature measurement is carried out through a questionnaire. The questionnaire is designed on the basis of the qualitative feasibility study.
  • Then we move to phase 3, where the analysis begins. Here, focus areas are identified where there is an opportunity to interact with the findings. A qualitative study is also launched to gain deeper insights and explanations. In this way, both challenges and opportunities can be uncovered in the study.
  • Phase 4 is the final evaluation phase. Here the focus is on "what's next?". Through a facilitated workshop, decision-makers will be guided on the implementation of the temperature measurement results.  

Example of temperature measurement:

What am I left with?

Once we have taken the temperature of the workplace in terms of diversity and inclusion, you will be left with an overview of:

  • Challenges
  • Opportunities and potentials
  • A prioritised list of action areas for next steps

Want to take the first step - the temperature in your workplace on diversity and inclusion? Then contact us here.

Nikoline Nybo,
Partner & Advisor

BA Anthropology, specialising in Gender Studies| Kaospilot - Creative Leadership & Meaningful Entrepreneurship
Exam. Gender Diversity, INSEAD

Louise Marie Genefke,
Partner & Advisor

Cand. mag. Marketing & Communication | MA Management | External lecturer, Aarhus University
Exam. Gender Diversity, INSEAD